Reg. Charity 1163206

Conférence : Le Concert Spirituel à Paris au XVIIIe siècle

Online with Zoom


The Alliance Francaise d'Oxford is honored to host professor Edward Higginbottom, director of the anniversary concert, for a conference on the history of the Concert Spirituel.

This year marks the 300th anniversary of the founding in 1725 of the Concert Spirituel, an organisation which became the major promoter of concerts in Paris during the 18th century. Before attending the anniversary concert on June 13th, dive into the history of the Concert Spirituel with Edward Higginbottom, conductor, keyboardist, musicologist and director of the anniversary concert, and Bénédicte Hertz, researcher and musicologist at the Centre de Musique Baroque of Versailles, and coordinator of the AcadéC research programme on music academies in France.

Open to all, free, online. Please note that attendees will receive a link to the online conference the day before the event.

The anniversary concert will be held on June 13th at the Sheldonian Theater. Please note Alliance Francaise students will have a reduction on the price of the tickets. Register on the page of the event.

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